Dear friends,
Against the odds, this weekend’s Climate Camp Scotland Big Meeting went ahead with around 50 people taking part in online discussions, break-out groups, inspired ideas sharing and digital ice-breakers!
Key outcomes include:
Consensus agreement on our Aims, Values and Structure, subject to improving our security culture.
New caucus group formed for Black, Indigenous and People of Color, and a possible group for fence-line communities at Mossmorran .
Loads of ideas shared about online actions and ways to work together.
We also had a fantastic talk from members of the Mossmorran Action Group speaking about community anger about flaring and pollution, the failure of the Scottish Government to protect them, and how the prospect of Climate Camp coming to the area made people feel like their struggle was finally being noticed.
Thanks to everyone who replanned, facilitated and joined the meeting - all organised in less than 24 hours. We know there are significant challenges involved in organising collectively at this time and we are enthusiastic about improving how we work to overcome them.
If you took part please give feedback via this document, by email at, or by joining the debrief and feedback call at 6pm on Monday [].
✊In solidarity,
Climate Camp Scotland
P.S. By running a shorter, online meeting we missed the opportunity to think about our strategy. If you would like to be part of a group thinking about how we win at Mossmorran fill in this poll by Thursday 19 March [].