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Save the date! Climate Camp is on for 2022

Climate Camp Scotland

Dear friends, Climate Camp Scotland is back! This summer we will be taking action against some of Scotland's biggest polluters. Our camp will create a base for mass action, and offer a space for workshops, discussions, music, art, and visioning a future beyond fossil fuels. We want to build a space where people can learn, share ideas, and take action together - join us! We have been exploring sites around both Aberdeen and Grangemouth, and further details will be released soon. In the meantime - save the date: we will be holding a camp on 28th July - 1st August 2022. If you are still be on f*ceb**k, then please click attending on the event page and share far and wide. If you have been wondering about getting more involved with our organising crew - now is the time! in the coming weeks there will be plenty of work to do around designing the programme, planning actions, considering the site, and ensuring the camp is as accessible as possible. Email us if you'd like to get involved. You can also register on our Action Network event page to confirm attendance and receive for updates on travel, programme, access info and more : In love and solidarity, Climate Camp Scotland

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Climate Camp Scotland
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Organising mass disobedience against fossil fuels in Scotland.


Preventing the expansion of Scotland's oil & gas industry and ultimately shut it down.

Organising for a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry.

Building bridges between workers, front-line communities, and the climate movement.

Normalising mass direct action for climate justice.


For enquiries including press contact
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