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Maya and the Whale - in Grangemouth

Climate Camp Scotland

Performance and post-show discussion about climate action at all ages

Saturday 20th May 1pm-3pm

Grangemouth Community Education Unit, 69-71 Abbots Rd, Grangemouth FK3 8JE

Free to attend

Join us for this special free community performance of Maya and the Whale by Hazel-Darwin Clements.

The play is about a young climate activist on the run, grappling for hope. Her dad works in the oil industry and her mum just wants her to enjoy a childhood free of worry, but how can she go about business as usual when there’s a Climate Emergency?

The creator and performer, Hazel, will host a conversation about what matters to people in Grangemouth and the Falkirk area, and how we can work together to challenge social and climate injustices.

The performance is aimed at ages 10 and up, and the discussion will be relevant to both adults and young people. No tickets necessary, just show up!

This event is organised by Climate Camp Scotland, a grassroots group that organises annual ‘climate camps’ and aims to build bridges between workers, local communities and the climate movement, to secure a just transition to a sustainable future for all. Come along and find out about plans for a climate camp in Grangemouth in July 2023.

Grangemouth Community Education Unit is at 69-71 Abbots Rd, Grangemouth, FK3 8JE.

Any questions, just contact

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Climate Camp Scotland
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Organising mass disobedience against fossil fuels in Scotland.


Preventing the expansion of Scotland's oil & gas industry and ultimately shut it down.

Organising for a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry.

Building bridges between workers, front-line communities, and the climate movement.

Normalising mass direct action for climate justice.


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